Braces Taught Me!

I have recently had braces on my teeth for a period of time to fix a dis-figuration that has been due to a displaced tooth , and the rest of the teeth being affected by that. A couple of days ago, I was thinking, and figured out that braces taught me some facts that go beyond being just "dental" :)

1- Deformations that happened over years, will need time to be fixed:
My teeth had been mis-placed due to a mis-placed tooth that left a gap, That resulted in generalized-spaces between all teeth. And that happened over the past 13 years!! It's natural that fixing this would take months.
So, why are you rushing things on the spiritual/social deformations that happened to you over time, and want God to fix it instantly! You need time to un-learn what you've wrongly learned for all the years before you know Christ. Just the same as I needed time to re-align the teeth that have been mis-aligned!

2- Trust in the expert, he knows his job:
Each time I go at the dentist, I do not worry at all. I know the guy is an expert, and he knows what he's doing. I do not know how he'll fix my teeth or what techniques he's using. I don't ask him what he's doing, or why is he placing that wire here? or why he's putting that "power chain" over there? I do trust him.
How much more should I trust the heavenly expert in being able to fix me! :)

3- Fixing something can negatively affect another thing, but ultimately everything will be fine:
Fixing the rotation in one of my teeth, resulted in the neighboring teeth being slightly mis-placed. I knew this while over-hearing what the dentist was telling his assistant. Yet he said "but we'll fix this mis-placement later".
Same things happen at my spiritual life: God could be working on one area of my life now in a way that affects other areas. For example, he could be working on my self-esteem, and to fix that, he intentionally damages areas in my life in which I thought my value was!
But ultimately, everything is going to work out just fine! :)
4- Refer to others who could help, and make use of their "specialization":
It wouldn't have helped if I spent 10 years praying for God to fix my teeth! :)
Same way it wouldn't work if I kept praying for him to fix me... while he placed those who can help around! :)

I know I am learning a lot.... keep teaching me! :)


Anonymous said…
Lovely how you learnt all these form braces :)
I loved your 3rd point! I've been through it, and although I was not very happy during that phase, He later showed me that this was the best thing that could have happened to me! :)