Is that your own idea?

(John 18:34-34)
Jesus is before Pilate in his final trial...
Communications are going back and forth between the Jewish leaders and Pilate...
The desciples are gone.. and the city of Jerusalim is upside down...
Tough time... and a word from Jesus breaking his silence must be very valuable!!
" Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?"
Yesss... that's the time for you to speak out Jesus... say your final speach as Socrates' famous Dialogues that he said in his final trial. Stand out and tell your vesion!!

"Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?" Jesus said!!!!
I was amazed!

Why is the answer to this question so important to you Jesus? Why do you care to know such piece of info. It will make no difference! What's important is that Pilate now calles you "King of the Jews"!
"I do care", Jesus answered me. "In fact, this is the thing I care for most..."
"When you call me Lord and Master... is this coming out right from your heart!! or just something that you heared!!!"

"When you say I am good and kind and merciful and any other good virtue... are these things coming right out from your own experiences with me? Or is it just something that you've been taught that I am?"
"Or, when you think I am tough or Vengeful or any other bad name, is it something that you've personally felt? or this is something that you heared people saying about me!! about the bad guy up there in heaven!!"
I don't want you to call me names that others told you about me!! I want it to be "your own idea" :)
Believe it or not, this was the most important thing that Job got out of his life. I turned what he "heared" about me, to something really "felt".. to be "his own idea" :) He finally said:
" My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you. " (Job 42:5)

If you hear something about me, that you have not personally experienced, or felt, or understood... ask me, and I will be more than willing to make it real to you :)

And remember that each time you are talking with me and call me any name, I will be asking you the same question: "Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?" (John 18:35)
