Feel it..

"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it"... (1 Co 12:26)

I was reading this today when two ideas poped in my mind: How does one part of the body suffers if another one is suffering? If I have thore throat, what makes me unable to get out of bed!
  • If the virus propagates to other organs around the diseased one. Like the case with influenza virus that affects the thore, the lungs, nose... etc.
  • Usually, the suffering part sends "pain signals" to the brain. The brain, which is the center of leadership of your body, interprets this signal and is affected by it. Then it propes this effect to other parts of your body. The whole idea of connection between the organs comes from the fact that all of them report to the "brain" and recieve their orders from the brain as well!!

How can I be stay in my comfort zone, while Jesus is recieving all these "pain signals" from other suffering people! If I am by any means a healthy organ that is connected to the brain, I'd feel the pain!

Help me Lord to feel what you feel... to understand the sufferings of other organs around me... Amen
