I must admit I am finding a great difficulty to write this post, or to "write" at all!
I cannot really determine the reason for that. Is it because my work is all about "writing" now? or maybe because I want the posts to be "perfect", and having too many thoughts in my brain I find it difficult to do so, so I avoid writing in the first place. But anyhow... He showed me something remarkable yesterday that I wanted to write down to remember, and to pass on... and this motivated me to open the blog, click "new post" and here I am writing...
On a walk by the Adriatic sea yesterday, I was reading Luke chapter 8... and there came the well known story of the "Demon-Possessed Man". I noticed for the first time that this man was actually hurting nobody but himself! He was not throwing stones on the village people. He was not annoying the walkers, or disturbing the neighborhood.. nothing! Actually he was going "away" from people..
Read what the bible says about his state:
For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.
And about the spirits it says:
Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he
had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places.
So, the evil spirits - a.k.a Satan - was not using this person to cause harm for "others", it was rather sufficient/satisfying to him to "isolate" that person.. to take him to "tombs", to "solitary places".. and seems this was pretty enjoyable to Satan: to deprive that human from being with others! Yup, that was all what the bunch of "Legion" were doing! Not hurting others, not destroying the village or killing others... just "get this person to be ALONE - Isolated in a solitary place".
To that extent Satan is interested in destroying my "inner being"?!!!
Another interesting story in the same chapter is that of the lady bleeding for 12 years... and God showed me how- on the other hand- He is interested in RESTORING my destroyed "inner being"...
The lady was sick, came among the crowed, touched the edge of the Lord's cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.. Fine that's it :) No, the Lord insists that the one who did this action to stand out and speak in front of the thousands that were at the scene!
I have been recently reading about "Social Anxiety Disorder", which is
"a persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others"
Basically the fear of any sort of interaction with other human beings.
People suffering from that usually are shy, avoiding any public talks.. "isolated" sort of speak. They end up living in a "solitary" place of their own, to avoid interaction with other human beings.
Being a former one of them - I could identify with the bleeding lady. I know what it feels to want to do an action "without people noticing", "avoiding human interaction".. The lady could have "shouted out to the Lord" among the crowed like parthemous the blind man once did, or "asked the disciples to let her come nearer to Jesus like Jairus, a synagogue leader. She could have used the help of some of her friends to help her push the crowed and reach him like the lame man and his four friends. But no no no... I will do it on my own, alone, quietly, without any other "human" interaction.
The Lord, healing her on the physical level, wanted to heal her on the psychological level too. He wanted to break the "fear of public speaking".. the fear of "being noticed by others".. that persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others. I dunno what was the cause of that in this lady's life, maybe it could have been due to her illness.. bleeding... 12 years... I can imagine how many "embarrassing" situations this could have caused her. How many of us girls suffer "low self esteem" or feel "uncomfortable to our feminine side" when we have this small "Acne" on our face! Imagine what could 12 years have done to her "inner being"!
By pushing her to stand up in the crowed and talk about the very thing that is a source of great embaressement, Jesus healed her physically and psychologically, just as He did with the man.. Jesus sends the man who had been a social outcast to be a messenger to the ten cities. That would have meant meeting and communicating with a lot of people :)
The bottom line is:
Satan is very interested in destroying our "Inner being"... and Jesus is more interested in healing this "Inner being" back :)
Thank you for showing this to me... Love you my healer
I cannot really determine the reason for that. Is it because my work is all about "writing" now? or maybe because I want the posts to be "perfect", and having too many thoughts in my brain I find it difficult to do so, so I avoid writing in the first place. But anyhow... He showed me something remarkable yesterday that I wanted to write down to remember, and to pass on... and this motivated me to open the blog, click "new post" and here I am writing...
On a walk by the Adriatic sea yesterday, I was reading Luke chapter 8... and there came the well known story of the "Demon-Possessed Man". I noticed for the first time that this man was actually hurting nobody but himself! He was not throwing stones on the village people. He was not annoying the walkers, or disturbing the neighborhood.. nothing! Actually he was going "away" from people..
Read what the bible says about his state:
For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.
And about the spirits it says:
Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he
had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places.
So, the evil spirits - a.k.a Satan - was not using this person to cause harm for "others", it was rather sufficient/satisfying to him to "isolate" that person.. to take him to "tombs", to "solitary places".. and seems this was pretty enjoyable to Satan: to deprive that human from being with others! Yup, that was all what the bunch of "Legion" were doing! Not hurting others, not destroying the village or killing others... just "get this person to be ALONE - Isolated in a solitary place".
To that extent Satan is interested in destroying my "inner being"?!!!
Another interesting story in the same chapter is that of the lady bleeding for 12 years... and God showed me how- on the other hand- He is interested in RESTORING my destroyed "inner being"...
The lady was sick, came among the crowed, touched the edge of the Lord's cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.. Fine that's it :) No, the Lord insists that the one who did this action to stand out and speak in front of the thousands that were at the scene!
I have been recently reading about "Social Anxiety Disorder", which is
"a persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others"
Basically the fear of any sort of interaction with other human beings.
People suffering from that usually are shy, avoiding any public talks.. "isolated" sort of speak. They end up living in a "solitary" place of their own, to avoid interaction with other human beings.
Being a former one of them - I could identify with the bleeding lady. I know what it feels to want to do an action "without people noticing", "avoiding human interaction".. The lady could have "shouted out to the Lord" among the crowed like parthemous the blind man once did, or "asked the disciples to let her come nearer to Jesus like Jairus, a synagogue leader. She could have used the help of some of her friends to help her push the crowed and reach him like the lame man and his four friends. But no no no... I will do it on my own, alone, quietly, without any other "human" interaction.
The Lord, healing her on the physical level, wanted to heal her on the psychological level too. He wanted to break the "fear of public speaking".. the fear of "being noticed by others".. that persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others. I dunno what was the cause of that in this lady's life, maybe it could have been due to her illness.. bleeding... 12 years... I can imagine how many "embarrassing" situations this could have caused her. How many of us girls suffer "low self esteem" or feel "uncomfortable to our feminine side" when we have this small "Acne" on our face! Imagine what could 12 years have done to her "inner being"!
By pushing her to stand up in the crowed and talk about the very thing that is a source of great embaressement, Jesus healed her physically and psychologically, just as He did with the man.. Jesus sends the man who had been a social outcast to be a messenger to the ten cities. That would have meant meeting and communicating with a lot of people :)
The bottom line is:
Satan is very interested in destroying our "Inner being"... and Jesus is more interested in healing this "Inner being" back :)
Thank you for showing this to me... Love you my healer