Wanting to Satisfy the Crowd

"Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified." (Mark 15:15)

You do this a lot. You hand Jesus, to save Barabbas. You give up the precious, for satisfying the crowd.

- How many times have you sacrificed a godly-spiritual thing for an earthly matter?

- How many times have you prefered silence, over witnessing to God, to satisfy the crowd around you... to be socially accepted and loved instead of feeling odd?

- How many times have you given up a service, or a voice of truth inside of you, to satisfy the crowd of thoughts and feelings you had inside of you.

If you point a fingur at Pilate, think a thousand times: "I did what's much more wose than him, and still doing"

Forgive me Jesus.....
