This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Have you ever been in this "crossroads" situation before?
You're driving your car and you come to this "crossroad" and you stop. You get down from your car, you stand with this "puzzled" look on your face, you scratch your head and say "which road shall I take"?
Well.. currently I am passing through one of these stages at which you are presented with many options, and you do not know which option to take. And strange enough when I was reading in the bible today I found this verse poping out in front of me!
I guess the decision of which road to take will be easy if you know:1) the destination you want to reach. 2) What lies at the end of these roads.
Then, voi la! you'll pick the road at whose end your desired destination lies! :)
I guess point 1 is left to me. I get to choose what destination I want. It's totally up to my own intuations, desires, interests and ambitions.
But what about point two.. which is the most confusing part for all of us?
God is declaring 2 clues: "ask for the ancient paths" and "ask where the good way is".
It's good to walk where others with the same destination walked. It is also adviced to "ask"!
Then "you will find rest for your souls" :)
You know the desire of my heart...
You know the crossroad I am standing at..
and you Know what lies at the end of each road...
Teach me where the good way is...
let me know what is the ancient path....
Help me find the rest to my soul
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)
Have you ever been in this "crossroads" situation before?
You're driving your car and you come to this "crossroad" and you stop. You get down from your car, you stand with this "puzzled" look on your face, you scratch your head and say "which road shall I take"?
Well.. currently I am passing through one of these stages at which you are presented with many options, and you do not know which option to take. And strange enough when I was reading in the bible today I found this verse poping out in front of me!
I guess the decision of which road to take will be easy if you know:1) the destination you want to reach. 2) What lies at the end of these roads.
Then, voi la! you'll pick the road at whose end your desired destination lies! :)
I guess point 1 is left to me. I get to choose what destination I want. It's totally up to my own intuations, desires, interests and ambitions.
But what about point two.. which is the most confusing part for all of us?
God is declaring 2 clues: "ask for the ancient paths" and "ask where the good way is".
It's good to walk where others with the same destination walked. It is also adviced to "ask"!
Then "you will find rest for your souls" :)
You know the desire of my heart...
You know the crossroad I am standing at..
and you Know what lies at the end of each road...
Teach me where the good way is...
let me know what is the ancient path....
Help me find the rest to my soul