1 Samuel 1:
" There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham.... 2 He had two wives; one was called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the LORD Almighty at Shiloh... Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the LORD had closed her womb. And because the LORD had closed her womb, her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her. This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. Elkanah her husband would say to her, "Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"
I can feel what you felt Hannah. So much I can feel it...
I know what it feels like to wait for something you eagerly want so much and not yet have it!
At the same time, everybody else around you is enjoying having it!
I know how it feels when you have no clue what you should be doing to have what you want.
I know how you can be torned, while everybody around you is celebrating.
I've heard him saying "Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons" too, byt something is still "missing" deep inside...
People have moked at you?
So they did with me.
Humlation words?
Wondering looks?
Frustrating comments? Yes, I've had the same too!
But you know what? Maybe if it hasn't been for such a taugh time, you'd have had an ordinary child. You'd have been a normal mother, who lived probably 3000 years ago, who's now dust... vapor gone in the wind.. a number among hundreds of millions of deads. Just like this "Peninnah" and her children.
Look, this is not what it was! Your story became a legend. A chapter in the eternal book of life. God made one of the greatest bible heros out of you. In fact, your child for whom you've waited so long, has 55 chapters named after him in the bible. He's counted as one of the heros of faith that paul mentioned in Hebrews 11. Wow!
What an amazing story! Gifts lie in wait, in a room painted blue....
Behind Sorrow, lies laughter....
Behind Pain, there is indiscribable joy...
And after waiting, comes the legends of wonderous gifts and promises...

Lord, help me see
The gifts that lie in wait for me...
And even if I do not see
Let the faith be in me...
I will wait, anticipate.. till the day you open the gate :)
" There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham.... 2 He had two wives; one was called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the LORD Almighty at Shiloh... Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the LORD had closed her womb. And because the LORD had closed her womb, her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her. This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. Elkanah her husband would say to her, "Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"
I can feel what you felt Hannah. So much I can feel it...
I know what it feels like to wait for something you eagerly want so much and not yet have it!
At the same time, everybody else around you is enjoying having it!
I know how it feels when you have no clue what you should be doing to have what you want.
I know how you can be torned, while everybody around you is celebrating.
I've heard him saying "Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons" too, byt something is still "missing" deep inside...
People have moked at you?
So they did with me.
Humlation words?
Wondering looks?
Frustrating comments? Yes, I've had the same too!
But you know what? Maybe if it hasn't been for such a taugh time, you'd have had an ordinary child. You'd have been a normal mother, who lived probably 3000 years ago, who's now dust... vapor gone in the wind.. a number among hundreds of millions of deads. Just like this "Peninnah" and her children.
Look, this is not what it was! Your story became a legend. A chapter in the eternal book of life. God made one of the greatest bible heros out of you. In fact, your child for whom you've waited so long, has 55 chapters named after him in the bible. He's counted as one of the heros of faith that paul mentioned in Hebrews 11. Wow!
What an amazing story! Gifts lie in wait, in a room painted blue....
Behind Sorrow, lies laughter....
Behind Pain, there is indiscribable joy...
And after waiting, comes the legends of wonderous gifts and promises...
Lord, help me see
The gifts that lie in wait for me...
And even if I do not see
Let the faith be in me...
I will wait, anticipate.. till the day you open the gate :)