
Today's quiet time included a new message for me...

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." (1 peter 4:12-13)

Peter is saying: when you are in troubles, don't feel that it's something strange happening to you! this would be the default for you...

and why is that?

Alot of poeple wonder "why suffering?", "why don't you put me to rest God?", "why don't you do a miracle ?"

Can't God change the situation in one second? Can't he just fix everything?

Why did he let his son suffer then? Couldn't salvation be instantaniously...

Why suffering???

It's the same as saying "why to put gold in fire?"....

Peter says: "you'll be OVERJOYED when his glory is revealed." .. what Glory peter? do you mean that out of these sufferings I currently pass through, God will bring "his glory".

In fact, God has a purpose behind every problem..

he uses circumstances to develop our character. and he depends more on circumstances to make us like jesus than he depends on our reading the bible. The reason is obvious: You face circumstances twenty-four hours a day.

A silversmith was once asked: "How do you know when the silver is pure?" He replied, "when I see my reflection in it".. the same way: Hen you've been refined by trials, people can see Jesus' reflection in you :)

- The Purpose Driven Life


now I understand..

and now I believe...

I now can stand suffering, for I know its purose...

I know that out of these currently bad situations, God is SURELY preparing something GLORIOUS...

and God won't let me down... :)
